Fleur Alpine

Why do moms choose Fleur Alpine

leur Alpine ORGANIC baby food line presents products to start and continue weaning, to meet new flavors, for toddlers and the whole family. Wide assortment comprises hypoallergenic, functional, gluten free and whole grain products.

Why do moms choose Fleur Alpine

What makes our baby products special?

  • absolutely all ingredients – whole grain flour, ripe fruits, berries and vegetables, milk and meat - come from organic farms;
  • sparing and gentle production technology preserves natural vitamins and minerals, therefore the composition of our products is very simple - there are no extras;
  • no added vitamins and minerals, palm oil, thickeners, salt, preservatives, colorings and flavor enhancers;
  • taste and flavor are 100% natural and unique;
  • children, including small eaters, eat our products with great appetite;
  • natural sugars, contained in fruits, vegetables and cereals, give natural delicate sweetness to products;
  • from the early childhood baby develops and remembers healthy eating habits: the correct sense of taste, smell, consistency of natural products

Fleur Alpine ORGANIC - a unique food for small children, which has a soul. Otherwise, how can one explain that in a short time the young brand has become popular and loved by the kids and their parents?

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